The Ideal Alley Light System
The NightProbe system provides integral, internal alley lights. Unlike conventional alley lights, the NightProbe system is attractive in appearance, resistant to damage by vandals and car washes, and does not block out any of the warning signal. The NightProbe system permits consolidation of all emergency lighting equipment into one easily installed package.
Basic NightProbe System
Available on any CODE 3 or CODE 3 XL light bar, the NightProbe system provides integral, internal alley lights. Unlike conventional alley lights, the Nightprobe system is attractive in appearance, is resistant to damage by vandals and car washes, and does not block out any of the warning signal. The NightProbe system permits consolidation of all emergency lighting equipment into one easily installed package.
The NightProbe system light uses a special dual-filament lamp in the outboard rotating lamp pod on each side of the bar. When operating as a part of the warning signal, one filament burns. When the alley light switch is thrown, the second filament is also energized, and the lamp automatically locates to billiantly illuminate the area to the side of the car. This high-intensity lamp shines either through the end of a clear lens or through a clear insert in the end of a colored lens. The driver’s side and passenger’s side are completely independent, and one end of the bar can operate as a rotating beacon while the other can be used as an alley light. The option includes an attractive control box and interconnect cable and can be combined with most SelectAlert options. The control box matches the CODE 3 siren and features back lighted captions and function indicator lamps.
Equipped with the basic NightProbe system, this CODE 3 XL Model 9000 Regular is superb for city patrol work. This option provides a neat, trim appearance that is less susceptible to damage and does not block out the rotating signal.
Deluxe NightProbe System
For maximum usefulness, a position control circuit can be added at extra cost to allow the operator to override the automatic positioning and to rotate the lamp clockwise or counterclockwise, stopping it to illuminate any object to the front, side, or rear of the vehicle. This option, which may eliminate the need for pillar mounted spotlights, requires the use of a clear lens. The option includes a control box and cable and can be combined with most SelectAlert options.
Using one clear and three colored lamps under each clear lens, this CODE 3 XL Model 9000 Long generates an extremely effective warning even in bright sunlight. The Deluxe NightProbe option permits the clear lamps to be independently energized and positioned to light any desired area.
Special 10 Lamp NightProbes
For jurisdictions where the use of clear lamps in the rotating signal is prohibited by either law or custom, a special ten lamp NightProbe can be provided. Available in either the Basic or Deluxe version, this special NightProbe has two colored and one clear NightProbe lamp on each outboard pod. Operating under a clear lens, a solid color rotating signal is projected by the colored lamps and the clear lamp is illuminated only when the bar is being used for area illumination. On special order this ten lamp version of the Basic NightProbe can be supplied with colored lenses and clear and inserts for use in California.
All NightProbes are supplied with an attractive control head styled to match the CODE 3 Siren. Featuring large rugged switches, colored indicator lights, and back lighted graphics, this handsome control center is still small enough to mount easily in todays smaller cars. The control box is supplied with its own bale. However, special bales are available at extra cost to stack mount the control box above or below the siren.